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  • Sapphire Chandelier Earrings with Violet Iolite
  • Pink Sapphire Dangle Earrings
  • Blue Sapphire Chandelier Earrings With London Blue Quartz
  • Blue Sapphire Chandelier Earrings



A majestic and exceptional stone and the birthstone of September, the Sapphire’s boundless favor has touched all of history.  With celestial and azure hues of enchanting and hypnotic light, the Sapphire is thought to increase intelligence, prosperity, prophecy and Divine Providance.  Recordings from biblical times to the Middle Ages have documented its wearing.  Sapphires are eternally connected with sacred things and are considered the king of gems and a jewel embedded in the history of nearly every religion.  According to legend, Sapphires have been sought by clergymen, aristocrats, servicemen, and many others for its properties to safeguard your beloved from envy and evil. 

Sapphires are “Corundum” minerals deriving their color from chromium.  It is considered one of the four “precious stones” as the other corundum members  include diamonds, emeralds, and rubies.  The word Sapphire is derived from the Latin sapphirus, Greek sappheiros, and Sanskrit sanipryam, meaning “blue stone”.  Why not let dramatic and delicious “blue stone” Sapphire chandelier earrings enchant and move your fashion realm!  You’ll feel like the queens that have worn them through the ages! 


Orange Sapphire receives its hue from minute amounts of chromium and iron during its development, and its rare color can vary from pale orange to a vivid reddish-orange, or even brown.  It has recently become popular for its uniqueness and beautiful “in-vogue” color.  Orange Sapphires are mined in small lots, so a large percentage of them are considered highly prized and expensive.  Many believe Orange Sapphires may stimulate desire and spark creativeness.  Allow us to bring you a pair of delicious orange sapphire earrings that will enhance your wardrobe with and fill you with creativity and love!


It is believed that King Solomon and Abraham both carried amulets of Sapphire.  Some even believe the Law given to Moses on the Mount was said to be inscribed on Sapphire tablets.  Some Buddhists believe Sapphires foster devotion and heightened consciousness.  Hindus have been known to consider Sapphire as a member of the “great gems” and was used in offerings and temples.  Christian Ecclesiastical Rings were also known to be made of Sapphire, and Catholic Bishops used Sapphires in their rings throughout different ages.  

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